The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, a special interest group representing wild animal killers across the United States, is pushing a bill that would remove the requirement that trappers list their name and address on each trap they set.   Senate Bill 1068 would instead require that traps bear identification numbers assigned to the trapper.  Introduced by Senator James Wright, the bill passed both the Senate and Assembly unanimously.


New York Residents should contact Governor Pataki immediately and ask that he veto this anti-animal legislation.  The Governor can be reached at (518) 474-8390.


Since hunters are required to carry identification and their hunting licenses with them as they hunt, trappers should be required to publicly identify their traps as they are laid out.

This legislation makes it harder to identify people who are trapping illegally (out of season, on private property, etc.) and will cause law enforcement to use more financial resources to track down rogue trappers.  In a time when New York faces a budget crisis, this is not a wise expenditure of dollars.

Wildlife Watch Inc.
Helping People, Environment, and Wildlife
PO Box 562, New Paltz, NY  12561
Voice:(845) 256-1400; Fax:(845) 622-7999

Contact: Joe Miele, Vice President 201-368-8271


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561