July 31, 2018

From TBNewsWatch.com

Two Toronto-area men were fined a total of $5,200 for hunting infractions in the Red Lake area.

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry conservation officers conducted a moose decoy operation in October 2017 to address party hunting violations and unsafe hunting from roadways.

Court was told that, while hunting alone, one of the men spotted the bull moose decoy from his vehicle, then got out and fired at it across the road.

An investigation revealed that he was only licensed to hunt calf moose, and was over 11 kilometres away from the member of the hunting party who had the bull moose seal.

Regulations require that party members hunt within five kilometres of the individual who holds the game seal.

Later the same day, officers learned that a second member of the party had harvested a cow moose earlier in the week and had placed his game seal on the carcass. While he continued to hunt moose with other members of the group, he was greater than five kilometres away from them.

It was also determined that the cow moose had become unsuitable for human consumption because precautions were not taken in handling it after the animal was harvested.

The first hunter received $4,200 in fines as well as a one-year hunting suspension, while the second hunter was fined $1,000.


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Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561