November 4, 2014
On Oct. 26, Hendersonville police responded to Hunters Trail after neighbors reported they heard a gunshot and saw a deer running away from a nearby yard.
Initially Ronald Burgess, 64, told police he heard the shot but was not involved. Throughout the interview, police caught Burgess in “multiple lies” regarding his ownership of firearms, hunting history or whether he has discharged a weapon within city limits, according to the arrest report.
Eventually, Burgess confessed to firing his rifle toward West Main Street, fewer than 1,000 feet from his residence. At the time of the shooting, steady traffic was traveling on Main Street and Burgess “could have caused serious bodily injury or death” to nearby pedestrians or drivers, the arresting officer determined based on investigation and advice from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
He was charged with felony reckless endangerment and booked and released from the Sumner County Jail the same day on a $2,000 bond.
On Oct. 30, Justin Mundy, 30, of Hendersonville turned himself in to state wildlife officers two days after TWRA found a shot deer in a field.
Mundy admitted he shot a buck with 15-point antlers while sitting in his truck in a populated area near Centerpoint Road on Oct. 27.
Mundy is charged with spotlighting deer, shooting from a public road, shooting from a motor vehicle and hunting deer illegally, according to TWRA information officer Doug Markham.