Representative John Atkins has sponsored a dangerous bill – HB 160. If passed into law, this bill would allow landowners to give permission to hunters to kill animals on their property on Sunday afternoons. We urge anyone with an interest in the outdoors, and human and animal safety to contact their elected representatives and urge them to vote “no” on HB 160.
On Sundays during the autumn months, families can enjoy safe outings to wooded parks, sometimes with Rover, without the threat of armed individuals lurking nearby. Many Delaware residents ride bicycles, photograph wildlife, hike, camp and otherwise use the woods all year long. Sunday hunting would put their safety in jeopardy. Similar bills in other states have been opposed by groups that represent the hiking, camping, wildlife watching, and religious communities. HB 106 would also put undue strain on Delaware taxpayers who will be forced to pay wildlife police to ensure that hunting laws are not violated.
It is no surprise that the wildlife management division of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) seeks to expand hunting opportunities to Sundays. By giving recreational hunters another day to ply their bloody craft, the DNREC hopes that more people will be exposed to hunting and will take up the practice. The DNREC encourages greater participation in hunting because game managers’ salaries are paid for through the sale of hunting licenses. The Division artificially increased the size of the deer herd so as to create a “need” to control the
population through hunting. The larger the deer herd is kept, the more licenses can be sold and the more revenue can be raised. This is the reality of wildlife management as practiced by the DNREC. It has everything to do with money.
Contact your representative and urge him or her to vote “NO” on HB 160, the Sunday hunting bill. You can write to your representative at:
Name of Senator/Representative
P.O. Box 1401
Legislative Hall
Dover, DE 19903
Representatives can be reached by phone:
House Republicans Receptionist: (302) 744-4171
House Democrats Receptionist: (302) 744-4291
If you do not know who your legislators are it is possible to find out by contacting the election department in your county. Please be able to provide your name and your place of residence and you will be provided with the Senate and House district in which you live. The phone numbers for the election departments are:
New Castle County: (302) 577-3464
Kent County: (302) 739-4498
Sussex County: (302) 856-5367>
HB 160 is dangerous and unnecessary legislation that must not be made into law. For more information regarding the practices of state game agencies, please visit our website at: or call (845) 256-1400.