Committee To Abolish Sport Hunting
PO BOX 13815, LAS CRUCES, NM 88013-3815
(575) 640-7372
Speak Out Against Coyote Killing Contest In Nevada
A coyote killing tournament is scheduled for this weekend- January 8-10- around Fallon, Nevada. The contest, organized by “local hunters” was advertised on Craigslist. The ad, which has since flagged for removal, listed the contest as:
Jan 8-10, 2010
48-Hour Coyote Tournament
$30 per person / 2-3 person teams
$100 Calcutta (optional)
$20 Big Dog / $20 Little Dog
For more info call: Matt (775) 835-2575
Prizes are to be awarded for those who kill both the most coyotes and the largest individuals. Judges will insert a temperature probe into the dead coyotes’ livers to verify they were actually killed during the tournament. Ethics aside, random coyote killing will not reduce real or perceived conflicts with livestock, as tournament organizers claim. A copious and growing body of literature shows that coyote population reduction efforts through lethal control are futile, given the species’ resiliency and ability to biologically rebound.
1- Contact the Fallon Chamber of Commerce and express your concern about this wanton killing of coyotes. Points to convey:
· As a Chamber of Commerce, they should not support blood sports that exhibit a blatant disregard for wildlife and the integrity of ecosystems by encouraging mass killing for prizes.
· Let them know that you believe that this contest hunt is ethically indefensible, ecologically reckless, and counter to sound scientific wildlife management.
· Coyote killing contests are a totally ineffective management strategy given the species’ resiliency and ability to biologically rebound.
· Tell them coyotes and other carnivores play an important ecological role and that there are many effective, ecologically sound and humane methods of protecting livestock from native carnivores including livestock guard dogs and llamas, better fencing, and night corrals.
Contact information:
Greater Fallon Area Chamber of Commerce
85 N. Taylor Street
Fallon, NV 89406
Phone: 775.423.2544
Fax: 775.423.0540
2- Please also contact Fallon Mayor Ken Tedford Jr. and urge him to call off the coyote tournament:
Mayor Ken Tedford, Jr.
City Hall
55 W. Williams Avenue
Fallon, NV 89406
(775) 423-0167 OR
(775) 423-6877
3- Post a comment on the Reno Gazette-Journal’s website in response to an article on this issue. Currently the comments are heavily weighted in support of the contest hunt. We need respectful and articulate comments. Go to:
4- Submit a letter to the editor to the Reno Gazette-Journal at:
Thank you in advance for your help. Please share this information with family, friends and co-workers.
Camilla H. Fox
Founding Director, Project Coyote
Wildlife Consultant
P.O. Box 5007
Larkspur, CA 94977
415.945.3232 (o)
Fostering educated coexistence between humans and coyotes
A project of Earth Island Institute
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