September 30, 2014


CENTRE COUNTY, Pa. —Three Pennsylvania men are accused of poaching after shooting and killing one of the largest bull elks ever recorded in the state.

Officials said the men, all from Centre County, illegally killed the elk the area of Karthause Township in Clearfield County over two nights of hunting.

Frank Buchanan Jr., 25, Jeffrey Bickle, 46, and Cody Lyons, 20, have all been charged. Buchanan is accused of shooting all three bulls at night from a vehicle.

“If the men are convicted in the incident, the Game Commission will seek they contribute toward $11,500 in replacement costs for the illegally killed elk. Additionally, each man faces thousands of dollars in fines, with the maximum potential fine exceeding $13,000 for the men charged with killing all three elk,” a news release from the Game Commission states.

“Buchanan admitted to killing the third bull, as well, and told the officers he had intended to sell the antlers on eBay, court documents state,” the Game Commission news release states.


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Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561