Oppose U.S. Congressional Legislation – H.J. Res 69 and S.J. Res 18 – Save Bear Cubs!

February 19, 2017


The U.S. House of Representatives recently voted to render null and void a rule preventing the killing of black bear cubs and their mothers at their dens as they hibernate in Alaska’s national wildlife refuges. H.J. Res. 69 also paves the way for baiting as a precursor to killing, trapping, and shooting bears and wolves from airplanes on over 76 million acres of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lands in Alaska.

The companion resolution in the Senate – S. J. Res. 18 –needs to be defeated to prevent such horror from befalling Alaska’s wildlife. The resolution currently sits in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee, and unfortunately that committee is chaired by one of the co-sponsors of the resolution (Senator Lisa Murkowski R-AK). S. J. Res. 18 has not yet been scheduled for a vote, so it is important to contact your senators – especially if they sit on the Energy and Natural Resources committee, and urge them to oppose this harmful resolution.

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Members:

AK – Lisa Murkowski (Chair)
AL – Luther Strange
AZ – Jeff Flake
CO – Cory Gardner
HI – Mazie K. Hirono
ID – Jim Risch
IL – Tammy Duckworth
LA – Bill Cassidy
ME – Angus King
MI – Debbie Stabenow
MN – Al Franken
MT – Steve Daines
ND – John Hoeven
NM – Martin Heinrich
NV – Catherine Cortez Masto
OH – Rob Portman
OR – Ron Wyden
TN – Lamar Alexander
UT – Mike Lee
VT – Bernard Sanders
WA – Maria Cantwell
WV – Joe Manchin III
WY – John Barrasso

Contact information for your senators can be found here: https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm


Dear Senator X:

I respectfully urge you to oppose S. J. Res. 18 – a joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the final rule submitted by the Department of the Interior relating to Non-Subsistence Take of Wildlife, and Public Participation and Closure Procedures, on National Wildlife Refuges in Alaska.

This resolution would strip native wildlife of protections currently afforded to them, and place their fate in the hands of those entities that have no regard for their well being. This resolution would allow hunters to kill bear cubs and their mothers while they are in their hibernation dens, and would open Alaska’s national wildlife refuges to increased aerial killing.

There is no scientific basis for the passage of S. J. Res. 18, and it addresses no need or concern. It’s a resolution that does nothing to benefit wildlife and habitat and will lead to only harm, suffering, and needless cruelty.

Please vehemently oppose S. J. Res. 18 and urge your colleagues in the Senate to do the same.

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Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561