December 15, 2014


Conservation Officer Weekly Report for 12-15-14

– Marc Hopkins (Tower) took enforcement action on the following issues:
extra lines angling, and unattended lines.

– Don Bozovsky (Hibbing) took complaints of dumped deer carcasses and wanton waste, and followed up on open deer hunting cases. A trapper tried to register a fisher and marten four days after mandatory fur registration day.
On top of that, he didn’t obtain the required site tags until the day he brought them in (that were supposed to be validated before removing from the site of the kill) and claimed that they were reprinted. Unfortunately for him, the computer date and time stamp told otherwise. Follow up on the hunter that had been trespassing on the officer’s land during the firearms deer season, revealed that the hunter failed to register the deer.
Enforcement action was taken on fail to register/site tag fisher and marten, fail to register deer, no spearing license and no angling license in possession.

-Matt Frericks (Virginia) took enforcement action for unattended lines and angling with extra lines. Reports of deer carcasses being dumped on public land continue to come in. In one case a site tag was found. When the owner of the deer was contacted he admitted to dumping the carcasses and also admitted that he did not register the deer. A citation was issued.

– Anthony Bermel (Babbitt): Enforcement action taken for unlawful party hunting deer, untagged deer, fail to register deer within required time frame, obstruct an officer, unattended lines, more than 200 feet from tip-up, snaring violations.


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561