December 17, 2014


Snippets from the DNR enforcement report for 12/17/14

– Karl Hadrits (Crosby) responded to complaints of dogs chasing deer, wanton waste of deer/dumping of carcasses and other suspicious hunting activity.

– Greg Verkuilen (Garrison) found that ATV violations were common.

– Chris Tetrault (Isle) helped investigate people who are illegally spearing fish, and enforcement action was taken for angling with extra lines, not tending to traps and failing to validate a fisher tag.

– Scott Fitzgerald (Malmo): A trespass complaint was followed up on and a TIP on a trapping case was investigated.

– Luke Croatt (Wealthwood) followed up on a complaint of preempting a trapping area.


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561