HB200 is still in the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Natural Resources and Agriculture, waiting for action.
This bill would gut the trapping ban that was put in place by the citizens of Massachusetts several years ago by amending the law to read in part “…a person shall not use, set, place, maintain, manufacture or possess any traps for the capture of fur-bearing mammals, except for box or cage traps, nets, and traps designed to kill such mammal including common type mouse and rat traps, mole traps, and conibear type or other body gripping straps, as otherwise permitted by law.” This bill runs counter to the will of the people and should not be made into law.
It is imperative that Massachusetts residents contact their legislators (legislators can be found at http://www.state.ma.us/legis/citytown.htm ) and ask that they vote NO on HB200 should it come to a vote before the Massachusetts House and or Senate. Also, please contact the following members of the Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee and urge them to vote against the bill.
The Honorable Pamela P. Resor
State House
Room 410
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-1120
Fax: (617) 722-1089
The Honorable Stephen M. Brewer
State House
Room 216
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-1540
The Honorable Robert S. Creedon, Jr.
State House
Room 413-C
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-1200
The Honorable Susan C. Fargo
State House
Room 504
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-1572
The Honorable William G. Greene, Jr.
State House
Room 473F
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2210
Fax: 617-722-2215
The Honorable Eric Turkington
State House
Room 172
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2210.
Fax: 508-548-9075
The Honorable Douglas W. Peterson
State House
Room 236
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2430
Fax: 617-722-2346
The Honorable Stephen Kulik
State House
Room 279
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2210
Fax: 617-722-2821
The Honorable Anthony J. Verga
State House
Room 134
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2400
Fax: 617-722-2850
The Honorable Michael E. Festa
State House
Room 473F
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2210
Fax: 617-722-2239
The Honorable Christopher P. Asselin
State House
Room 540
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2090
Fax: 617-626-0406
The Honorable Peter V. Kocot
State House
Room 146
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-2575
The Honorable Steven M. Walsh
State House
Room 136
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2396
The Honorable Paul J.P. Loscocco
Room 254
State House
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-2220
The Honorable Susan Williams Gifford
State House
Room 540
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: 617-722-2090