P.O. Box 13815, Las Cruces, NM 88013
Voice: (201) 937-3721; Fax: (201) 368-7050 E-mail:
May 30 2008
With the number of hunters declining in New York at a significant pace each year, the special interests of the weapons and hunting industries are trying to lure young children into their dangerous and violent sports. Senate bill S8228 would allow children 14 and 15 years-old to hunt deer and bears with firearms, and would also allow children under the age of 12 to trap wildlife without a valid state trapping license. The companion bill has already passed the Assembly, and only the Senate stands in the way of this bill becoming law.
New York Residents Please Contact Joe Bruno Temporary President and Majority Leader of the Senate to Urge him To Kill This Harmful Bill.
Albany Office
Room 909 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
(518) 455-3191
District Office
368 Broadway
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Please remember – your letters, e-mails and/or phone calls should be POLITE and RESPECTFUL at all times if we are to be effective in our efforts to stop this bill from moving forward. Pro-hunting organizations are supporting this bill in an organized way, and we must counter their efforts to spread the cancers of hunting and trapping to young children.
Please send C.A.S.H. a copy of your correspondence – we would love to hear from you.
Joe Miele, President
Dear Senator Bruno:
Senate Bill Number S8228, currently resides in the Senate Rules Committee. Because of the negative impact upon children and wildlife that will come from this bill, I urge you to take the action necessary to prevent the bill from moving forward through the Senate.
If made into law, this bill would allow children 14 and 15 years-old to hunt deer and bears with firearms, and would also allow children under the age of 12 to trap wildlife without a valid state trapping license. Rather than passing laws that will make it easier for people to exploit wildlife under the guise of “sport” the state should instead protect wildlife and the areas where they reside.
Hunting and trapping are dangerous activities and thousands of accidents occur each year. Additionally, millions of animals are wounded and not retrieved by hunters whose aim is less than perfect, and these animals are left to die a slow, painful death from infection, disease or predation. Trappers catch and kill untold numbers of non-target animals every year, and these animals are often members of domestic species, and threatened and endangered wildlife.
Because of these reasons I respectfully urge you to prevent Bill S8228 from advancing through the Senate. Your response will be greatly appreciated.
Joe Miele,
Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting
PO BOX 961 Maywood, NJ 07607
Voice: (201) 937-3721 Fax: (201) 368-7050