Novmber 20, 2017


Pheasant, ducks, geese are all fair game now for hunters, but several hunting accidents have left some people hurt.

In just a little over a week, three people have been shot.

Two were shot in Barton County, and a child shot in Reno County. They all survived.

“In the situation at Cheyenne Bottoms or some of these public hunting waterfowl areas, guys are setting up 50 yards apart and then they’re shooting in and shot is landing on the next group of guys,” said Jim Vincent, co-owner of Shady Creek Sporting Clays in Belle Plaine.

You should know where everyone is at in your party, and stay in line.

“As far as hunting accidents go, that is the most prevalent that we have. You notice that is swinging on game,” said Larry Hastings, law enforcement with Kansas Dept. of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism.

That’s about 65 cases in five years in Kansas.

“This would be considered this hunter’s safe zone of fire, if the bird gets up he should be able to safely take the bird in that, but he sure wouldn’t want to shoot at a bird over here.”Back at the shooting range, Jim Vincent showed us why shotguns have a wide spray.

“For those who are not aware, a shotgun shell is full of little pellets, and if you open one up you’ll see that there are hundreds of them….and if you can imagine a swarm of bees flying through the air, it would be similar to that,” said Vincent.


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561