VIRGINIA has its hands full with pro-hunting legislation:

Carroll Gilges lets us know about the following Bills:

HB536 allows a stamp to be sold to start opening 2,000 acres of state land to hunting,

SB198 allows a $4 stamp to reimburse farmers for bear damage

HB809 legalizes deer baiting under an urban deer management program (to save shrubbery and save us from deer/car collisions)

HB1044 would make it illegal to hunt over bait only if the violator knew the area was baited. Can’t you just see all the winks and nods.

HB442, would allow hunting on Sunday

John Carmody is looking for US groups to link up with. He and his group are doing a great job of raising consciousness regarding animals in Ireland.

A 300 pound sea lion in Sausalito, California was found flopping along a road 60 miles from the ocean. After an examination it was discovered that he had a bullet in the back of his skull.

[A New York Times editorial exposed that in the federal government’s appropriations bill is a provision designed to reduce the length of time that gun dealers have to maintain records of identity checks from 90 days to 24 hours. They state that it will make it very difficult to track guns once this passes. They say that incumbents in both parties are afraid to stand up on this issue.

We thank Connie Young for sending the editorial.]


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561