
Move the Message: Your Guide to Making a Difference and Changing the World – Josephine Bellaccomo

Take action and empower others to act with this strategic approach to targeting your message to the appropriate power holders-designing and delivering a compelling, persuasive presentation with excellent visual support, and fielding questions and comments so that your audience will be energized to take action and move your message to others. With confidence, construct and pitch captivating sound bites to the media, deflect personal attacks, and take the message to the streets to get winning results.

Communications consultant and political activist Josephine Bellaccomo delivers a step-by-step process, complete with tips, tactics, strategies, examples, and exercises, to ensure that your message is focused, powerful and unstoppable. Whether the difference you want to make is local or global, this guide is essential for activists and concerned individuals in any cause. ; to order, call 1-800-856-8664 ; $12 paperback original;

Josphine has been coming on our hunting patrol in the Catskills for years!

UNITY is a spiritual center that acknowledges animals often. In their April 15, 2002 “Daily Word” they write in part:

“The love of God within moves through me in moments of reaching out to children, adults, and animals to help ease their pain, whether it is of body or emotions. I cannot always make things right for others, but I can always be compassionate and caring.”


An excellent website that we learned about from Sue Gordon of NJ is the following:  It consists of six pages of tips on how to avoid hitting an animal while driving. Animal People was credited by Sue for bringing it to her attention.


VIRGINIA GILLES and MAMA ALPHA in Hermitage, MO. Virginia is a very special C.A.S.H. member, who always writes wonderful, encouraging letters. She sent us this recent photo of herself and Mama Alpha. Virginia Gilles rescued Mama Alpha in 1997, she kept her two puppies, LUCKY and SISTER MARY LOU. They are all family now. Virginia is always doing something to help animals, and, in addition, Virginia does beautiful watercolor paintings. Thank you, Virginia, for sharing this. Mama Alpha couldn’t be happier.

We thank MIRIAM COHEN of Forest Hills, NY for her many donations to our tag sale

Thank you to MARY and FRANK HOFFMAN who host our website. Please see theirs:

DAVID KVERAGAS from PA is a former hunter who can speak with authority. If anyone is looking for an anti-hunting advocate and lecturer – call David at: 570-587-3429.

The COALITION TO STOP HUNTING NOW puts anti-hunting ads into newspapers regularly. They’re a terrific group in Sea Bright, NJ. You can contact them at

BASF is having a Bow hunting sweepstakes. Go to  You can let them know how you feel about it.

SEATECH –  lasers for wildlife control – An excellent way to humanely keep waterfowl from areas where they aren’t wanted. It should be used prior to nesting season. The one drawback is that it looks like a gun. You might want to suggest to the company that they design a laser that looks like a camera. This way you don’t have to stand out in the open with a gun-like object in your hand.

For other helpful non-lethal methods see the website of THE COALITION TO PREVENT THE DESTRUCTION OF CANADA GEESE at


From a North Carolina Newspaper: (Sent to us by Rex Stuart/N.R.C.I.) Non-Hunter Rights Coalition 

North Carolina Wildlife officers said Thursday that the public does not have to worry about coyotes. Officer Mike Hatcher and Sergeant Dale Caveny, who have been working in the wildlife field for 20 years, said that there have been no cases of coyotes biting people in Surry County. Coyotes have been accused of killing livestock, but typically, they said, the animals go after small prey, such as rabbits.


According to an “outdoor article” that appeared in the Post-Standard, an upstate NY paper, they say:

“The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recently followed up on its 1996 Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. According to the update interviews conducted in 2001, the number of active hunters in the nation declined by 7 percent in 5 years, to approximately 13 million persons age 16 or older.”

Yet since 1996, there has been an increase of 5 million people who engage in non-consumptive wildlife watching. More than 68 million people went bird watching, fed birds, or went on trips to watch birds and other wildlife. They directly spent more than 29 billion on these activities, and generated over 85 billion in related economic activity, creating more than one million jobs and producing $5.2 billion in federal and state tax revenues. [And that’s money that EVERYONE can benefit from, unlike the firearms excise taxes which can only be used to produce more use of firearms, ammunition and bows and arrows.]

SPORTS AFIELD has ceased publication, due to an “advertising recession.” It was in business 115 years and ended with the June 2002 issue. Sports Afield gave Wildlife Watch a nice bit of publicity in their February issue over the Suspend Hunting campaign following 911. They ridiculed our very serious position. See what happens when you ridicule an organization that’s on the right side!

RALPH KLEIN, the Premier of Alberta, Canada, said he opposes a proposal to create hunting farms in Alberta for tourists. He said “I find it abhorrent.”

GERMANY VOTES FOR ANIMAL RIGHTS. Germany became the first European nation to vote to guarantee animal rights in its constitution. A majority of lawmakers in the Bundestag voted to add “and animals” to a clause that obliges the state to protect the dignity of humans. The main impact will be to restrict the use of animals in experiments.


The DEC’s Reynolds Game Farm is expected to ship 4,700 day-old pheasant chicks from Ithaca to the Jamesville Correctional Facility. The birds will be raised to adulthood by corrections officers and inmates. They’ll be turned loose in area fields in late Sept. and Oct., just before pheasant season.

This needs an investigation. Prisons are routinely using the inmates to help “sporting” clubs. Unfortunately, it merely desensitizes people to animal suffering.

Also, Val called attention to another Buffalo News article:

Jim Hudson had applied for a canned hunt area, but the board denied him that possibility. They are allowing a “preserve” which they liken to a “farm.” Hudson is planning to use his farm for “genetic purposes” [which means growing trophy bucks for canned hunt areas]. This will still have to go before the Town board along with the Planning and Environmental Board of Colden. You can fax the Colden Town Board at 716-941-9335.

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Thank you to DAVID CANTOR for the following information: It was reported by CAMILLA FOX of API that the proposal to increase the trap check time by the Michigan DNR (state game agency) passed a regulatory change that allows trappers 48 hours in the Southern region to check traps, and 72 hours in the northern part of the state. Can you imagine the condition of the animal or the skin after all that time? This clearly is recreational trapping as the condition would be unusable!!!!

Seattle Goose Kill Halted

“We are extremely pleased to learn that our resident Canada geese can go about their lives without fear of being captured and gassed,” said Give Geese A Chance volunteer Bob Chorush. “Four months ago, we began getting to know our geese, visiting them, tracking their populations and movements. We learned about them so that we could protect them, but the more we learned about them the more we wanted to protect them. They are intelligent, beautiful, loyal and resourceful. We are very pleased that we will be able to continue our emerging friendship with these geese.”

Give Geese A Chance volunteers credit their actions with saving resident geese.

“This was an impressive all-volunteer, grassroots effort to save the geese and I feel honored to have been a part of it,” stated goose volunteer coordinator Charlene Baxter. “We hope that the killing will not resume next year, but if it does, we will protect our geese as fiercely as we have this year. We do not believe that the public is willing to tolerate this unnecessary and inhumane slaughter. We have more than 150 volunteers who are ready and willing to save our geese.”

To contact the group, e-mail Bob Chorush at


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561