PA: Hank Parker Falls From Treestand
Hank Parker Falls From Treestand (
Hank Parker is a pro bass fisherman and host of the TV show, Hank Parker’s Outdoor Magazine. He’s truly one of the finest men you’ll ever meet. This past weekend, while preparing treestands in the woods, he took a nasty 30′ fall from his stand. Fortunately, he lived to tell about it and is now encouraging others to learn from his mistake.
While laying in a hospital bed, Parker encouraged hunters to use a lineman rope while climbing a tree.
“A lineman belt is something I’ve rarely used, but in the future I’ll be using it from here on out,” says Parker. “Wear a lineman belt when you’re putting up your sticks, and you won’t be taking helicopter rides and sitting in an emergency room. It’s all about safety.”