Dear friends,

As many of you know, changing the NJ Fish and Game Council, the state board that is dominated by hunters and controls the fate of all our wildlife, has been one of our highest priorities.

Assembly bill A3275, sponsored by our friend, Assemblyman Mike Panter, does just that and it will be heard by the Assembly Environment committee tomorrow (Thursday).

Please call the members of the committee and ask for their support. I can tell you that both the NJ Federation of Sportsmen and the NRA are outraged over this bill (which alone tells you how important it is) and both groups are fighting against it. This is our opportunity to not only help move a terrific piece of legislation, but to hand the hunters a massive defeat.


Stuart Chaifetz
Director, Animal Protection PAC

Environment and Solid Waste Committee Members Assemblyman John McKeon, Chair
Phone: 973-275-1113
FAX: 973-275-1480

Assemblyman Robert Gordon, Vice-Chair
Environment and Solid Waste Committee
Phone: 201-703-9779
FAX: 201-703-8127

Assemblyman Larry Chatzidakis
Phone: 856-234-8080
FAX: 856-234-3990

Assemblyman Charles Epps
Phone: Phone: 201-200-1820
FAX: 201-451-0867

Assemblyman Louis Manzo
Phone: 201-309-0770
FAX: 201-309-0672

Assemblyman Michael Panter
Phone: 732-544-2116
FAX: 732-544-4016

Assemblyman John Rooney
Phone: 201-967-8910
FAX: 201-967-0331

A3275/S2041 changes the composition and revises the authority of the Fish and Game Council in the following manner:

— changes the Fish and Game Council membership from eleven to seven

— prohibits any member of the council from having a direct personal financial interest that might reasonably be expected to impair the personís objectivity or independence of judgment

— requires the Council members to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. Currently, all eleven members are hunters, with six being recommended by the New Jersey Federation of Sportsmenís Clubs.

— expands the duties of the council to include:
a. investigate the use of nonlethal alternatives for dealing with wildlife conflicts; b. explore eco-tourism opportunities to promote the Stateís diverse wildlife; and c. pursue opportunities to preserve land suitable for wildlife habitat.

— clarifies and updates the council to provide a properly managed and balanced system, and deletes the consideration for use and development of fish and game for public recreation and food supply


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561