Committee To Abolish Sport Hunting
PO BOX 13815, LAS CRUCES, NM 88013-3815
(575) 640-7372


Oppose all efforts by “Oregonians for Responsible Cougar Management”

CONTACT: Oregon Cougar Action Team: and
Jayne Miller:  or 503-743-2318.

In support of an effort by the Oregon Cougar Action Team (, C.A.S.H. is calling upon wildlife advocates throughout the state of Oregon to oppose the actions of “Oregonians for Responsible Cougar Management” – a front group for hunters and their apologists who wish to repeal a 1994 initiative prohibiting the use of dogs to hunt or chase cougars and bears, and the use of bait to lure or kill bears.

Backed by sport hunting interests, this group is looking to collect enough signatures to place an initiative on the November 2, 2010 ballot which would increase sport hunting opportunities throughout the state when absolutely none are needed. The initiative would “permit the use of dogs and bait to hunt cougars and black bears where overpopulated, or where state game managers foresee looming overpopulation.” The absurdity of this is that cougars are not overpopulated, and the language “where state game managers foresee looming overpopulation” is so vague and undefined that “looming overpopulation” could be “foreseen” anywhere and at any time without any legitimate data to back such claims.

In an effort to instill fear among the public and to brand cougars as dangerous animals out to kill children, this pro-violence organization has posted to its Facebook page statistics claiming that between 60-70 mountain lion attacks from 2001 through the present have taken place in both Canada and the US. What was not mentioned was that in the U.S. alone during this same time period there have been a *minimum* of 2100 hunting accidents that have resulted in injury or death ( ), proving that reckless hunters are a greater threat than the state’s cougars.

As a result of this campaign of distorted information and fear mongering, C.A.S.H. is asking that all Oregonians who are concerned the welfare of wildlife not sign any petitions being circulated by “Oregonians for Responsible Cougar Management” or its agents, and not fall into the trap of believing that cougars are a danger to the public.

If placed on the ballot, this anti-wildlife initiative could override a 1994 initiative and permit the use of dogs and bait to hunt cougars and bears. The result of a “Yes” vote would override the 1994 initiative and permits use of dogs and bait to hunt cougars and bears where “overpopulation” exists or where “looming overpopulation” is foreseen. The result of a “No” vote would retain existing prohibitions against use of dogs to hunt cougars and bears, and bait to hunt bears.

Current law prohibits the use of dogs to hunt or pursue cougars and bears and the use of bait to attract or kill bears. Exceptions include use by government employees and their agents, when acting in their official capacities and by other persons if cougars or bears cause damage, public health risk, or public nuisance.

Oregon Cougar Action Team: and
Jayne Miller:  or 503-743-2318.

The Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting is a wildlife advocacy organization dedicated to abolishing the practice of sport hunting through public education and community involvement. We seek to protect wildlife, the environment, and the general public from the recklessness of state and federal fish and wildlife agencies.


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561