September 3, 2014


Two hunters were busted for getting a head start on the season, according to Lt. Doug Barnhart of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The men, one from Tulare County and the other in Kings, had killed doves before dawn Monday.

In Kings County, a group of seven hunters was cited for baiting birds by planting birdseed inside a gated field on private property. Hunters can be fined as much as $1,000 for baiting.

On the Labor Day holiday, 48 citations were given across the CDFW’s central region that includes Madera, Fresno, Kings, Tulare, Inyo and Mono counties.

The most common violation was unplugged shotguns, Barnhart said.

“For the purpose of hunting dove, a shotgun can only have three rounds — two in the magazine and one in the gun’s chamber,” he said.

Another common violation for hunters was trespassing on private lands, Barnhart said.

But only two hunters were cited for having more than the legal amount of doves in possession. Earlier this year, the state upped the daily bag limit from 10 to 15 for mourning and white-winged doves.


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P.O. Box 562
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