Auburn Crow Shoot 2005
We just found out the Auburn Crow shoot is scheduled to take place Saturday and Sunday February 12 and 13. It will be hosted by the same bar, but it is now known as J&B’s Bar and Grill, not Spinouts, as it is under new management. 74 Orchard Street, Auburn, NY, 13021.We may be having a strategy meeting the first week of February in Auburn. Time and date will be announced later. We need help and we are asking everyone to do the following:
1. Email, call or write Auburn mayor Tim Lattimore, 24 South Street, Auburn, 315-255-4104; mayor@ci.auburn.ny.usand the Cayuga County Tourism Office (151 Genesee Street, Auburn, 315-255-1658). Tell them you have heard on the radio and tv or read in the newspaper that the City of Auburn might be planning a Crow Festival, (The mayor has been saying this, and I have had inquiries about it.) and that you would like more information about it and possible crow tours. Be sure to mention that you live outside of Auburn, if you do, and mention that a crow festival would bring you to Auburn, but a crow shoot never would. Local people can stress that they also support a festival. This will help our crow committee enormously in promoting and protecting the crows.
2. Equally important, call DEC Director Gary Barnhardt in Albany and tell him you want to see him put an end to events like the Auburn crow shoot. Phone calls work best with the DEC. 518-402-8919.
3. If you would like to write a letter to the local newspapers about the crow shoot or the crow festival. The Citizen, 25 Dill Street, Auburn, NY 13021, 315-253-5311, ext 243;,
The Post Standard, The Reader’s Page, Box 4915, Syracuse, NY 13221, 315-470-2167< (Subject: Post Standard Letter); website:
* Anyone who can help by taking part in a demonstration, please call me at 315-255-1405 or email
Thank you,
Rita S