Committee To Abolish Sport Hunting
PO BOX 13815, LAS CRUCES, NM 88013-3815
(575) 640-7372


Ask State Representative Sherrie Sprenger to oppose increased killing of Oregon’s cougars.

Jayne Miller
Oregon Cougar Action Team

Oregon State Representative Sherrie Sprenger recently held a town hall meeting at the Lebanon Public Library to address concerns over cougar sightings.  The “panel of experts” assembled by Rep. Sprenger represented the state’s hunting interests (Curt Melcher, deputy director of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Lt. Ethan Wilson, Oregon State Police wildlife division; and David Williams, USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service).

Because Representative Sprenger is welcoming comments and suggestions regarding the state’s cougars, your help is needed.

The Honorable Sherrie Sprenger, State Representative
900 Court St. NE, H-473
Salem, OR 97301

Please urge Representative Sprenger to oppose all initiatives that will increase the amount of cougar killing in the state. Remind her that:

  • Cougars are not a threat to people and that hunters injure and kill more people in the state every year that cougars ever have.
  • Hunting cougars with hounds is a cruel and inhumane practice for both the cougars and the dogs.  Hunting dogs are often injured by wildlife trying to defend themselves, fall victim to steel traps, and are abandoned when their hunting skills diminish.  Veterinarians and local animal shelters often see an influx of injured, lost and abandoned hunting dogs when hunting season is underway.
  • The state should stop throwing away about $100,000 per year to hire hunters to kill about 100 cougars.
  • The move to increase the amount of cougar killing is being supported by the state’s trophy hunters, since the animals are not posing a threat to humans.
  • There are already too many cougars being killed in Oregon – no more killing is needed.
  • Oregon residents should educate themselves about cougars and other wild animals, rather than live in fear of them.
  • There is no humane or sustainable plan for the cougar and none for the orphaned cubs – the only plans in place benefit those who want to kill the cats.

For more information contact the Oregon Cougar Action Team

Oregon Cougar Action Team
PO Box 1183
Jefferson, OR 97352

The Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting is a wildlife advocacy organization dedicated to abolishing the practice of sport hunting through public education and community involvement. We seek to protect wildlife, the environment, and the general public from the recklessness of state and federal fish and wildlife agencies.


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561