November 6, 2014
Michael Snowden, 68, was transported by coast guards to Kodiak Municipal Airport where he was passed on to medical services who treated him for serious leg injuries.
It is understood a group of up to five brown bears attacked Mr Snowden and his friend Jeff Ostrin as they dragged the carcass of a deer they had shot through dense vegetation on Sally Island in Uganik Bay yesterday afternoon.
The two men where dragging a deer through vegetation when they stopped for lunch. No sooner had they sat down to eat when a large female bear charged at them.
The animal reportedly attacked Snowden, biting and scratching his body before Ostrin, 38, shot the animal three times, killing it. Seconds later, more bears emerged, with Ostrin shooting and killing one of the cubs. The shooting apparently scared the rest of the animals away.
Snowden’s condition is not thought to be life-threatening.