PETERS HUMOR – Spring 2019

The Best of Pete’s Humor (Part 1)

Since most of you have probably forgotten some of Pete’s great jokes, we’ve gone back in time to retell some of the better ones.  We encourage the readers of this column to submit their own jokes to C.A.S.H. for possible publication with credit.  Thank you!

A hunter was sitting in a bar and heard nothing but dumb-hunter jokes. Irritated he spoke up, “Look here, I’m a hunter and I know the capitals of all 50 states – how dumb is that?’ Impressed, the bartender decided to put it to a test “What’s the capital of Arizona?” He thought for awhile, then his face lit up as he proudly exclaimed “A”.


A hunter was proud to tell everybody that he was a sixth-generation hunter and derived from an altogether remarkable ancestry. “Now my grandfather, he knew the exact date that he was going to die. Not only that, but he knew at what time and how he would die.”

An impressed listener asked, “Wow, that’s incredible. How did he know all of that?”

The hunter explained: “The judge told him.”


A hunter was asked by a nature columnist, “Do you think that sometimes hunting dogs are more intelligent than their owners? ”He scratched his head and opined, “I’m pretty sure, mine is.”


A new hunter asked an experienced hunter “How do you successfully hunt bear?” The old hunter told him, “It’s real easy; you just find a big cave and stand outside it and whistle. When the bear comes out you shoot him.” A few weeks later they met again; this time the newbie hunter was all bandaged up and had a cast on both legs. The old hunter asked what had happened. The wannabe bear hunter explained. “I found this big cave; I stood in front of it and whistled; the next thing I know is I get hit by a train.”


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Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561