AK: Boaters spot hunter stranded after plunge from Alaska waterfall, Coast Guard says
Coast Guard: Hunter rescued after fall from Alaska waterfall | Charlotte Observer
A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter rescued a hunter who became stranded after falling off a waterfall near Homer, Alaska, officials reported. People on a charter fishing boat notified authorities that a man had fallen from a waterfall ashore at 9:56 p.m. on Tuesday, May 30, the Coast Guard said in a news release. A helicopter rescued the hunter, who was reported in stable condition, on West Arm Port Dick, officials said. It took him to Homer for treatment. “Before venturing outdoors, carry a form of communication in the event you need assistance,” Petty Officer Dylan Haskell, Coast Guard Sector Anchorage command duty officer, said in the release. “In addition, file a travel plan and leave it with somebody you trust and carry the appropriate gear, including a first aid kit, food, water and extra clothing in the event you need to shelter in place during an emergency,” Haskell said. Homer is a city of 5,900 people about 225 miles south of Anchorage.
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