November 30, 2014


Outdoors Column: Practice ethics, sportsmanship when hunting

Arizona Game and Fish Department officers recently apprehended two Tucson-area men in their 30’s for poaching three white tailed deer, one of which had twin fawns, for a total of five dead deer in the illegal killings.

On Aug. 23, an AZGFD Operation Game Thief report was submitted by an archery deer hunter who had discovered three deer that appeared to be shot with a rifle a day or two earlier. Archery deer season had opened Aug. 22, but no rifle hunts were allowed at that time.

Officers investigated two men who later admitted to killing the five deer.

Evidence also revealed that the suspects committed over 150 game violations from the summer of 2013 to the summer of 2014, including the poaching of 15 deer and many other small game species including reptiles, a hawk. a bobcat and a fox.


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Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561