Akron Deer Slaughter

From: SharkIntl@aol.com

Dear Friends,

Well, the killers are up to no good once again. On a tip from a local citizen, SHARK has found a deer that was shot, wounded and left for dead in Cascade Valley Metro Park in Summit County. All around the torn apart deer is fur, and it looks like coyotes got to her.

It’s bad enough that these incompetent “sharp” shooters aren’t even swiftly killing these “overpopulated” deer, they’re now leaving them for dead or simply losing track of how many they’ve shot.

Again, please contact Akron’s mayor and city council. Let’s also put additional pressure on these unethical gunmen by contacting Ohio’s governor.

Governor Bob Taft
30th Floor
77 South High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6117
Phone: 614-466-3555 or 614-644-HELP
Send an e-mail by going to: http://governor.ohio.gov/contactinfopage.asp

Mayor Donald L. Plusquellic
Suite 200 Municipal Building
166 South High Street
Akron, Ohio 44308
Phone: 330-375-2345
Fax: 330-375-2468
Email: Mayor@ci.akron.oh.us (your postal address is required for a response from the mayor)

Council Office
166 South High Street – Room 301
Akron, OH 44308
Phone: 330-375-2256
Fax: 330-375-2298


For the Deer,

Jodie Wiederkehr


Contact Us

Committee to Abolish Sport Hunting / C.A.S.H.
P.O. Box 562
New Paltz, NY 12561